Irish foundation


Free legal AID

How Free Legal Aid Works

Providing legal assistance to all those in need.

Irish Foundation is one of the few  organization which provides free legal aid services  in India, a country that could never have enough of such organizations. In our attempt to serve society better, we have compiled some information that could prove useful to anyone looking to engage our services.

Irish Foundation  aims to provide free legal assistance to all those in need and does not discriminate against people on the basis of caste, religion, gender, place of birth or any such similar criteria. We are, however, cognisant of the fact there are certain sections of society that are eligible to take priority when engaging representation, or any other legal assistance. An overview of some criteria employed by Irish Foundation are listed below:

Financial situation: preference shall be given to people that come from dire financial conditions, and are unable to afford legal representation under normal circumstances.

Nature of the problem: preference to people who need help with advocacy, counselling, civil and criminal matters. There is a focus on the early resolution of problems through counselling.


Irish Foundation primarily plays the role of a facilitator; we put our clients in touch with skilled and capable advocates as per their case requirements, after which the concerned parties are encouraged to directly communicate with each other.

Clients should be committed to the Foundation; most of our advocates work pro bono, or for nominal legal fees and we would like to ensure that their time and effort are duly respected.

We foresee the need to better understand our services, and assess all the possible options before arriving at a decision, which is why we encourage clients to reach out via email, telephone calls or through our form, which can be found here.

Once they are put in touch with an advocate from our team, we encourage our clients to maintain regular contact and be available to furnish information and/or documents as much as possible, as well as attend legal proceedings as required.

Our Services are free, unbiased and confidential.

Getting Justice Is Everyone’s Fundamental Right. Irish Foundation Would Try Its Best To Give You Justice.